Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tired, too many characters for twitter

Sometimes when I'm quite tired, like now, I feel like posting something to somewhere.  This is that something in this case.  My tired self is sometimes nonsensical, but this hopefully will make some sense.
When you're doing work and getting tired while doing it, if you get to the state that you begin to forget what the question is while you're reading it, and you start to make up parts of it, that's when you know you're quite tired.  This happened to me recently.  The worst part is, I think it was more accurate than what I thought my more awake self thought the problem was.  If that didn't make any sense, please disregard it.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. :) Also, I was going to post to twitter but I often find myself using too many characters, so I've decided to just respond here.

  2. Now that I think about it, my last comment may have fit in one twitter post. Oh well. :) Apologies for my senseless comments.
